

【RIKEN BRC】理研細胞 日本理化學研究所(CELL BANK)


【RIKEN BRC】日本細胞 台灣代理商 CELL Line

細胞材料開発室 -CELL BANK- (RIKEN BRC)- 理化学研究所

RIKEN BRC是日本理化學研究所(理研)直屬機構,是由理研之生命科學部擴展而成之生物資源中心。RIKEN BRC提供的生物資源多樣,動物、植物及細胞株之收藏量均名列前茅,已蒐集了超過9,500株細胞株、7,400種實驗動物品系及其他數十萬種之生物資源,包含廣泛使用之實驗動物、實驗植物及其細胞株、一般細胞株、人類及動物之胚胎幹細胞、間質幹細胞、iPS細胞及特定疾病之細胞株等,供給範圍遍布全世界。

General cell lines (RCB) General cell lines (RCB)
Human iPS cells (HPS) Human iPS cells (HPS)
Human ES cells (HES) Human ES cells (HES)
Animal iPS cells (APS) Animal iPS cells (APS)
Animal ES cell lines and germline stem cell lines (AES) Animal ES cell lines and germline stem cell lines (AES)
The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell clones The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell clones
Cord blood stem cells (HCB, CBF, CFD, C34) Cord blood stem cells (HCB, CBF, CFD, C34)
EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese (HEV) EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese (HEV)
Sonoda-Tajima Collection (HSC) Sonoda-Tajima Collection (HSC)
Goto Collection : Werner syndrome patients (GMC) Goto Collection : Werner syndrome patients (GMC)

Newly available cells lines Newly available cells lines