

京辰生科 Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) 台灣代理商 Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) - Cresyl Violet Stain Kit 各式特殊染劑


京辰生科 Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) 台灣代理商  Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) - Cresyl Violet Stain Kit 各式特殊染劑


Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) (ab150675) - Abcam 

Product overview Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) ab150675 is designed for staining myelin/myelinated axons and Nissl bodies on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue as well as frozen tissue. This product is used for identifying the basic neuronal structure in brain or spinal cord sections.

Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) - Cresyl Violet Stain Kit creative-biolabs

[CAT#: NRZP-0822-ZP370]

Stains myelin and Nissl substance in central nervous system tissues and in peripheral nerve.
DescriptionLuxol Fast Blue (LFB) - Cresyl Violet Stain Kit includes microwave modification for display of myelin and Nissl substances in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous tissue.

京辰生科 陳先生0906-860-657

京辰生科 Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain)

Luxol-Fast blue staining of myelin/myelinated axons on formalin-fixed,
paraffin-embedded brain and spinal cord tissue sections, as well as frozen sections. The
myelin, including phospholipids, will be stained blue to green, and the neurons will be
stained violet. This stain is commonly used for identifying the basic neuronal structure
in brain or spinal cord tissue.

Kit Contents (for 125ml kit):

Luxol fast blue solution Ready to use, 125ml overnight 25-28℃
Cresyl violet solution Ready to use, 125ml 5-10 minutes. 25-28℃
lithium carbonate solution Ready to use, 125ml 30 seconds. 25-28℃
Control slide x 2 FFPE section -- 25-28℃
 Preparing 5-7um thick sections will be more satisfactory."

Staining Protocol Recommendations:

1. Deparaffinize and hydrate to 95% ethyl alcohol (Frozen/vibratome sections may
need to have de-fat step: place sections directly into 1:1 alcohol/chloroform for
a few hours/overnight and then hydrate back 95% ethyl alcohol).
2. Leave in luxol fast blue solution in 56 C oven overnight (for frozen sections, not
longer than 16 hours).
3. Rinse off excess stain with 95% ethyl alcohol.

4. Rinse in distilled water.
5. Differentiate the slides in the lithium carbonate solution for 30 seconds.
6. Continue differentiation in the 70% ethyl alcohol for 30 seconds.
7. Rinse in distilled water.
8. Check microscopically to see if gray matter is clear and white matter sharply
9. Repeat the differentiation steps (step 5-7) if necessary.
10. When differentiation is complete, place in distilled water.
11. Counterstain in the cresyl violet solution for 5-10 minutes.
12. Rinse in distilled water (don’t rinse in 70% alcohol which will clear off fast blue
13. Differentiate the slides in 95% ethyl alcohol for 5 minutes (check
14. 100% alcohol 2x5 min.
15. Xylene 2x5 min.
16. Mount with resinous medium.
Myelin, including phospholipids ------------------ blue to green
Neuron ---------------------------------------------- pink to violet


Positive Controls:
Brain, spinal cord
Storage and Stability:
Please read the kit contents and follow the storage condition. The user must validate
any other storage conditions. When properly stored, the reagent is stable until the date
indicated on the label. Do not use the reagent beyond the expiration date. 

京辰生科 陳先生0906-860-657


Staining method Major target
Masson Trichrome Masson's Trichrome Stain Kit Trichrome Stain Kit (Connective Tissue Stain) 染色 染劑 染料 abcam ab150686 creative-biolabs NRZP-0822-ZP386 Collagen fiber
Masson Trichrome 組織化學染色 (Histochemistry stain) Collagen fiber
Periodic Acid-Schiff stain (PAS) Stain Kit (Mucin Stain) 染色試劑 染劑 Polysaccharides, mucosubstance
Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) Polysaccharides, mucosubstance
Alcian Blue Stain Kit (pH 2.5, Mucin Stain) abcam ab150662 Vectorlab H-3501 染色 染劑 染料 Mucus, cartilage
Alcian blue (pH2.5) Mucus, cartilage
Alcian blue (pH1.0) Mucus, cartilage
Alcian blue (pH1.0) Mucus, cartilage
Nissl stain 染色 染劑 染料 Nissl body
Von Kossa Stain Kit (Calcium Stain) (ab150687) - Abcam 染色 染劑 染料 Calcium
Von Kossa Calcium
Oil red O staining 細胞內脂質染色套組| Lipid (Oil Red O) staining Kit 染色 染劑 染料 Lipid
Oil red O Lipid
Toluidine blue Toluidine blue O, metachromatic dye (ab146366) - Abcam 甲苯胺藍(Toluidine Blue Solution) 染色 染劑 染料 mast cell
PicroSirius red 染色 染劑 染料 Picro-Sirius Red Stain(天狼星紅染色) (Connective Tissue Stain kit) abcam (ab150681) Collagen fiber
Alizarin red S stain (synovial fluid) / ARS stain (SF)染色 染劑 染料Alizarin Red S 茜素紅 Calcium
Safranin O stain 番紅 染色 染劑 染料 組織化學染色 (Histochemistry stain) Cartilage
Verhoeff–Van Gieson stain (VVG) 染色 染劑 染料 EVG Stain Kit / Verhoeff Stain - Verhoeff Van Gieson Stain Kit Elastin fiber
Congo red 剛果紅 染色 染劑 染料 (Congo red dye solution) Amyloid
NADH 染色 染劑 染料 Muscle
Brown and Brenn’s Gram stain 染色 染劑 染料 Gram stain method for paraffin section
Prussian blue 染色 染劑 染料 Prussian Blue Iron Stain Kit普鲁士藍染色套組 Ferric ion (3+)
Thioflavine S 染色 染劑 染料 (硫磺素) Amyloid
Weigert’s Iron Hematoxylin Stain kit (A125ml+B125ml) 染色 染劑 染料 Weigert's iron hematoxylin kit | 115973 - EMD Millipore Weigert's Hematoxylin Kit (ab245882) - Abcam nuclear stain
吉姆薩染液Giemsa stain 染色 染劑 染料 (Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit) Pathogens, white blood cells
"Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) - Cresyl Violet Stain Kit染色 染劑 染料 abcam (ab150675) creative-biolabs
[CAT#: NRZP-0822-ZP370]" nerve fiber
Carstair’s Method for Fibrin and Platelets 染色 染劑 染料 Fibrin and platelets
Acid fast stain 染色 染劑 染料 Acid-fast bacteria
Grocott's methenamine silver stain 染色 染劑 染料 Fungus, Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) Stain Kit Fungus, yeast, basement membrane

京辰生科 陳先生0906-860-657